
Happy One Year Anniversary

2021-02-18 11:10:23


Exactly one year ago we released Warface for Nintendo Switch. To celebrate the anniversary, we have added a new Festive Contract. Moreover, all Kredit packs will have a 25% discount until February 23rd!

Enjoy the items the Festive Contract has to offer and have fun!

Нож M48 Bowie 'Единство'
Festive M48 Bowie Knife
Жетон 'Единство'
Festive Badge
Монета 'Единство'
Festive Mark
Нашивка 'Единство'
Festive Stripe
Перчатки 'Единство'
Festive Gloves
Шлем 'Единство'
Festive Helmet

Thank you for being part of this awesome community. See you soon! 

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