Winter Holidays Begin in Warface!
The winter holidays are around the corner, and the festive spirit continues to fill game lobbies in Warface. We've prepared the "New Year Festival" contract, a festive login streak and a notSecret Santa contest in Discord to start the celebration.
"New Year Festival" Contract
The "New Year Festival" contract will create a festive mood, as well as allow you to replenish your arsenal with cool weapons and equipment for 30 days. Play on winter maps and complete contract quests to earn the Candy Knife, Aggressive Christmas equipment, Gingerbread Gun, Christmas Firecracker, and other festive items, plus 1,000 parts as the ultimate reward.
The contract is already available and will last till 14:00 UTC on January 15, 2023.

Festive Login Streak
The 11-day login streak is activated in the game. Continue to log into the game and obtain "Glacier" series weapons, Snowballs, Christmas gift boxes and a Mega VIP Booster. Please note that if you do not log in the game for three days or more, the streak will be reset for you.
The streak will be available till the first maintenance in January 2023.
notSecret Santa contest in Discord
Christmas is almost here… which means it's time to prepare presents! Become notSecret Santa for your Warface friend - participate in a contest on our Discord server and win a Mega VIP booster for yourself and a shop item of your choice for your mate. Check out all the details in the #contest channel.
Enjoy your holidays!
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