
Battle Pass: Season 1

2020-03-03 07:45:20


The day has come. The first season of the Battle Pass starts in Warface on Nintendo Switch. Do not miss the opportunity to receive heaps of rewards for increasing your personal progress level! Prepare weapons, replenish ammo and head off on an adventure in the Atlas of War!

We remind you that everyone can try out the event - rewards for the first 10 levels are available to everyone. However, you will need the full access to make the most of the Battle Pass and gain the most valuable prizes.



The Battle Pass offers 100 personal progress levels, each of them yields a reward: permanent and temporary weapons, ammunition, VIP boosters, achievements and much more!

Are you unsure of your strength? Challenge yourself in the free trial version of the event which brings guaranteed prizes up to level 10. By reaching level 10, you can get a stylish permanent knife of the "Carbon" series. Great start for an impressive melee weapon collection!

Apart from the arms mentioned above, you will have an opportunity to acquire powerful permanent guns and cold weapons:

Rhino 60DS «Карбон»
Rhino 60DS «Carbon»
MSBS Radon «Карбон»
MSBS Radon «Carbon»
Sidewinder Venom «Карбон»
Sidewinder Venom «Carbon»
ПП-2000 «Карбон»
PP-2000 «Carbon»
AWM «Карбон»
AWM «Carbon»
Fabarm P.S.S.10 «Карбон»
Fabarm P.S.S.10 «Carbon»
ОРСИС Т-5000 «Карбон»
ORSIS Т-5000 «Carbon»
QSZ-92 «Карбон»
QSZ-92 «Carbon»
CZ 75-Auto «Атлас»
CZ 75-Auto «Atlas»
M1911A1 «Атлас»
M1911A1 «Atlas»
Тактический топор «Атлас»
Tactical Axe «Atlas»
MSBS Radon «Атлас»
MSBS Radon «Atlas»
PM-84 Glauberyt Custom «Атлас»
PM-84 Glauberyt Custom «Atlas»
M40A5 «Атлас»
M40A5 «Atlas»
Jagdkommando «Атлас»
Jagdkommando «Atlas»
Derya MK-10 VR 102 «Атлас»
Derya MK-10 VR 102 «Atlas»

And by reaching the highest 100th level, players will be able to grab a unique "Atlas" armor set. Its looks will help you make any victory memorable and legendary!

Equipment and other items are not the only rewards you can get. For players who like to prove their skills to themselves and others, we have prepared a set of achievements: 8 badges, 8 marks and 4 stripes are waiting for their heroes!




In seasonal crates received for levelling up, you will find weapons worthy of a true warrior: permanent "Atlas" and "Carbon" guns or temporary weapon models. Grind your enemies into dust!

Permanent weapons:

СВУ-АС «Атлас»
SVU-AS «Atlas»
Magpul FMG-9 «Атлас»
Magpul FMG-9 «Atlas»
MAG-7 «Атлас»
MAG-7 «Atlas»
M249 Para «Атлас»
M249 Para «Atlas»
Топор Black Hawk «Карбон»
Топор Black Hawk «Carbon»
FN FAL DSA-58 «Карбон»
FN FAL DSA-58 «Carbon»
Remington MSR «Карбон»
Remington MSR «Carbon»
ACR CQB «Карбон»
ACR CQB «Carbon»
Fostech Origin-12 «Карбон»
Fostech Origin-12 «Carbon»

Temporary weapons:

MSBS Radon «Атлас»
MSBS Radon «Atlas»
СВУ-АС «Атлас»
SVU-AS «Atlas»
M40A5 «Атлас»
M40A5 «Atlas»
PM-84 Glauberyt Custom «Атлас»
PM-84 Glauberyt Custom «Atlas»
Magpul FMG-9 «Атлас»
Magpul FMG-9 «Atlas»
MAG-7 «Атлас»
MAG-7 «Atlas»
Derya MK-10 VR 102 «Атлас»
Derya MK-10 VR 102 «Atlas»
M249 Para «Атлас»
M249 Para «Atlas»
CZ 75-Auto «Атлас»
CZ 75-Auto «Atlas»
M1911A1 «Атлас»
M1911A1 «Atlas»

There is a guaranteed permanent weapon mechanic: if you get just temporary rewards from 24 seasonal boxes in a row, then the 25th is guaranteed to credit you with a permanent gun! Plus, permanent weapons won’t repeat: in other words, you’ll always get a new model.

Fill in your atlas!

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