

Soon: STK CMCR Aim Assist Nerf
In the upcoming hotfix, the aim assist of the STK CMCR will be tweaked to improve the weapon's balance.
2024-06-03 12:40:15
Content Creators Spotlight
A new issue of the content creators spotlight is here! Enjoy the best videos made by the members of our partnership program both on PC and Consoles!
2024-05-31 13:05:10
Celebrate MY.GAMES' 5th Anniversary With Us!
Get ready to celebrate with us! Join the party and don't forget to grab some exclusive party favours on your way out.
2024-05-28 13:41:52
"Anniversary Arena" Event Update is Live!
The fresh update brings a new "Anniversary Arena" event to mark the 5th anniversary of MY.GAMES and a new device Medical Supply.
2024-05-27 11:17:51
Agent Viverra now in Warface: Clutch
Claws out! Viverra has joined the Samoom squad as part of the "Secret Lab" season. Check out her backstory and set!
2024-05-24 12:33:36
"Guns&Dungeons" Mini-Game
Play the "Guns&Dungeons" game, get a payment bonus, earn special mini-game store currency to get cool weapons, skins, a charm, and a bunch of parts! Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the games of our childhood!
2024-05-24 10:30:31
Free pack on the eShop!
Don’t miss the chance to get the “Oberon White Pack” for free! Step out of the shadows and unleash your true power!
2024-05-24 10:21:27
Soon in Game: "Anniversary Arena" Event
We've got a MY.GAMES anniversary on our hands, and what better way to mark the occasion than by bringing the party to the battlefield! Choose your faction, dive into the chaotic "Brawl" mode and earn event currency.
2024-05-20 15:36:13
Game Update - 16.05.2024
The latest game version features a possibility to purchase weapon mastery levels one by one, new content and some bug fixes.
2024-05-16 12:25:43
Get a bonus up to 30%
Fund your account with maximum benefit!
2024-05-08 10:23:17