

Legendary Weapon PvE Marathon: AK Alpha
The final stage of the PvE Marathon in Warface is on. Starting from now till February 2, complete PvE missions on Normal and Hard difficulties and receive boxes with the legendary Rifleman primary weapon AK Alpha, now with mods!
2023-01-26 11:08:09
Legendary Weapon PvE Marathon: Kriss Super V Custom
The PvE Marathon in Warface is still ongoing. Starting from now till January 26, complete PvE missions on Normal and Hard difficulties and receive boxes with the legendary Engineer primary weapon Kriss Super V Custom, now with mods!
2023-01-19 08:29:15
"Warface got talent" contest on Discord
Warface got a lot of gifted players, both in-game and in the real life. It’s time to show everyone what you’re capable of!
2023-01-18 21:13:32
Legendary Weapon PvE Marathon: Typhoon F12
The PvE Marathon in Warface is still ongoing. Starting from now till January 19, complete PvE missions on Normal and Hard difficulties and receive boxes with legendary Medic primary weapon Typhoon F12, now with mods!
2023-01-12 11:39:16
Ranked Matches: "New Power" Season #3
The third Ranked Matches season dedicated to the "New Power" update has already begun. Read on to learn more about new rewards and updated achievements and rush into combat!
2023-01-12 10:31:24
Legendary Weapon PvE Marathon
Complete PvE missions on Normal and Hard difficulties during a month and, every week, get boxes with legendary weapons for different classes — now with mods!
2023-01-05 09:02:11
Content Creators Spotlight
A new issue of the Content Creators spotlight is here! Enjoy the best videos made by the members of our partnership program.
2023-01-02 08:39:36
Current In-Game Activities
2022 is almost over, but the fun never ends! Here is what you can do in the game during the holidays.
2022-12-31 08:38:16
Warblog - Decemebr 26th
A new issue of Warblog is here. Check out the recap of the most important game news of the week.
2022-12-26 16:17:42
Happy Holidays, Warface!
In this article we… wish you happy holidays! Enjoy increased server rates over the weekend and check out something special that our team's prepared for you!
2022-12-23 15:56:25